Thursday, March 05, 2009

Letter to the President

This letter was not sent to the office of the president at the last moment due to the fear that the government would use it as an excuse to scrutinize aspects in which it didn't have any business:

"Mr President:
You have said that there can be no debate whether or not all Americans should have access to quality and affordable health-care. Why not? Is it not the responsibility of the citizen to provide for their own welfare under capitalist ideology? I am interested on hearing the view of the President of the United States, not the view of his office. This country was built on the principles of freedom and equality: by this latest measure, people are being stripped of their freedoms in the name of making things equal. Also, the redistribution of wealth, otherwise known as the higher taxation percentages for the wealthy, strikes at the base of Marx's Communist Manifesto: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". Is this the implementation of Marxist policy?"

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Financial Reforms

To establish some basic principles that are undoubtedly common knowledge: We are in a global financial crisis. The US economy dipped 6.8% in the last quarter of 2008. Obama ran on a ticket promising change and an end to the crisis. I must congratulate President Obama: he is changing Washington. Radically. The previous use of "radically" has two meanings, in my usage: the first being that Obama has changed it drastically, and the second being that he has changed it to meet his Socialist agenda. The "Republican Deregulation" that has been so emphasized by the current administration's campaigns provided relief from the stock market crash of 2001, and it would've led to relief from the current crisis. Instead of following established capitalist principle, which, as I recall, has worked for all of recorded history, our Dear Leader has decided to embark on a path of economic suicide. Instating socialist reforms and regulations, he is changing the way America works, just as he promised. Just to point out to the liberal electorate: be careful of what you wish for, you might get it. You wanted change in American government and economic policy: you got it, and it's destroying the wealth hard-working Americans have built up for years. The most common reply I have heard when propagating capitalism is "if you were in their situation, wouldn't you want this help too?" coupled with "it's fair". Frankly: not, it's not. I see no reason why those who work hard must save those who couldn't get it through their heads that they could not afford their house, and that they should not grant mortgages to those who can't afford them. These people and these companies deserve to fail. Their own irresponsibility caused them to plummet to their imminent doom, and they deserve it. As a taxpayer, I see no reason why my money should be wasted on these professional ignoramuses, I earned my money, they should have earned theirs. These bailout plans defy the ideals of The United States of America; as it says in the pledge of allegiance: "with liberty and justice for all". As it says in the Constitution: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. " These bailouts do not protect our liberty, they are not just, and they do not promote the general welfare or secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. These bailouts indebt America beyond the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), our children and our childrens children will be paying off the debts we are incurring. That does not protect our liberty or our welfare, it does not protect our children's liberty or their welfare, and it does not protect America's liberty or its welfare. These bailouts are unconstitutional, unamerican, and unjust.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thoughts in Relation to the Economy

This entry is most notably pointing out flaws in the Democratic government. Wall St. has bounced up from its 12 year low today due to a conservative's comments regarding the economy. Unfortunately, Obama is choosing to henceforth ignore very straightforward indicators and make a speech outlining his communistic visions for America. Whenever the liberals pass one of their gargantuan economic stimulus packages, it should be of some note to them that in fact, the stock indexes drop almost immediately, which brings us to rule 1 of economics: Capitalism works. Socialism kills economies. Essentially, what we need to take away from this current economic situation is that "Republican deregulation" did not kill the economy, we are standing by while Democratic socialistic regulation ruins it. It is at this point where education is most necessary: people need to be able to realise the flaws in the liberal economic theories and revert back to the modus operandi that has worked to date: Capitalism. It is incomprehensible why the government is buying shares in companies: that is not the role of a proper government. The role of a proper government is to let those who deserve to fail fail. Because of the bailouts, our banks depreciate in value. Because of borrowing to the point where our debt exceeds our GDP, the dollar has gone south. And yet we still hear cries of "Obama"? Now more than ever, we need to hear cries denouncing the practice of the government, we need to emphasize the principles of John Locke: when a government no longer protects the rights of the people (and takes stakes in their property), it is our duty to establish a more perfect union. To establish the principles that the United States of America were founded upon: Taxation without representation takes on a new meaning at this point. The slight minority is having its rights abused by the majority. Those who do not want the bailouts cannot stop them. Is this not what we revolted against? Is this not one of the defining principles that shaped the American revolution? We can look across the sea to our ally, Her Majesty's United Kingdom, and see a liberal European state that has managed to preserve its principles and its dignity. In this liberal European state, the pound may be weak, but it is still almost twice as strong as the dollar. In the United Kingdom, America must see a model for economic success. Yes, the government has socialized. Yes, the government has passed fiscal stimulus. But Parliament has not exceeded the GDP of the people it represents. We need to look back to the United Kingdom and reign in our politicians. Mass spending is not the answer: we must not drive down our economy into a recession. By the time the true horrors that Obama is instilling take place, we will see him re-elected to those cries we know so well "Obama, Obama, Obama". To him we must ask: "Why are you destroying the economy?" "Why are you ruining the wealth we have built up over the years?" Obama may be able to speak exceptionally well, but his thinking needs revising.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Yet another holiday... Halloween, or, more correctly, All Hallows Eve. In celebrating halloween, we go around asking people for candy. On all hallows eve, you would go around dressed up as ghosts and evil spirits so that the evil spirits would not attack or curse you. All that remains of this tradition is the costumes. This coincides with the ancient Celtic holiday, The Eve Of Samhain, where the Calleich Beuhair (or whatever(My spelling is not the best)), the evil witch comes out of a rock and freezes the earth with hear icy breath. To ward off the witch, one would put an offering of fruit and squash it, so that the witch would eat the offering and pass the house over.